Bayliss Boatworks is in a constant state of evolution. We are always looking at our processes, how things can be done more efficiently, and what we can do to improve quality. In October of 2021, we broke ground on our latest facility addition: a 10,000 square foot paint building.
Five years ago, we made the switch to using Axalta paint and finishing products exclusively. In a conversation with John (J.P.) Ferris, our rep from Axalta, the significance of our continued partnership was expressed, and he is looking forward to the quality increase that will take place with the addition of a paint building:
“It’s all about support, the product, and making sure that everything goes well and is done correctly. We want our product to look good going out. Now Bayliss will be able to completely control the environment they’re in. That’s a big deal.”
The paint building will house a fully enclosed paint booth and a small parts paint booth from Global Finishing Solutions (GFS), with the latest in technology and finishing equipment. This sizable facility will be large enough to service boats up to 90’ for complete paint and refinishing, and tall enough to fit boats without removing their towers. The opposite side of the paint facility will also feature a prepping area for boats.
GFS is the leading manufacturer of paint booths for a wide array of industries including automotive, aerospace, and industrial manufacturing. Designed to provide the most controllable paint environment possible, these paint booths will bring a new edge to the painting process for our company. The paint booth is engineered to control both airflow and temperature while eliminating dust and overspray. Being able to maintain inside temperatures at 70°F will allow for an ideal and consistent flow of paint when spraying. The heated cure cycle of the paint booth can reach temperatures of 120°F and will accelerate the curing process of a painted vessel.
Strategically placed air vents will circulate airflow around the yacht’s surface, pulling excess spray off and away from the boat when painting. This creates an optimal working environment by lessening the risk for contamination and producing safer painting conditions for our painters. The air vents and filtration system will remove dust particles from the air keeping the inside area pristine. Visibility will also be improved with the paint booth’s state-of-the-art showroom lighting capabilities.
The Outer Banks of North Carolina is known for its inconsistent weather patterns, especially in the winter and spring months. From humidity to temperature, weather can fluctuate drastically within a few hours, resulting in difficulty when working with paint products.
“Wanchese’s biggest problem is moisture entrapment. It’s a commonplace thing when you have moisture that settles on the surface of a vessel, which then becomes a finishing problem. With good airflow and temperature control, you won’t get solvent or water entrapment,” Ferris added.
When spraying is complete, paint needs time to cure. Changes in temperature and humidity can lead to dew forming on the surface of the vessel resulting in a longer dry time for the paint. If the paint does not dry well, this can affect its resistance to cracking and require more polishing over time. Not having to factor in weather conditions will create greater efficiency for our paint crew as well. With temperature control and heated cure cycle capabilities, our team can leave the shop and know they will come back the next day to a dry vessel. Procedures and tasks will be consistent, and the only altering variable our crew will have to consider are the boats and specific repairs themselves.
To get the most out of GFS’s technology, we want to be sure that our team is well equipped to carry out processes in the new paint booth. Axalta is partnering with us to send ten of our employees to learn the latest in techniques and quality standards at an advanced technical class for paint in Jacksonville, Florida. The course focuses on advanced yacht coatings and project management. Our team will learn more in-depth on coatings processes and application, and will come back to Wanchese qualified to utilize the new facility and technology.
This paint building is the largest expansion of Bayliss Boatworks within the last 20 years. By adding this facility, we know our customers will be receiving the highest quality finish that can be provided. From complex finish repairs to basic full paints, the consistency created from this paint booth will give each job exceptional results every time.
Ferris adds: “Bayliss is in the process of creating yacht quality standards on all of their finishes, and they are going to go through complete processes to ensure that the paint jobs that come out are the best. Quality is everything. That’s why John is building a paint booth, it will provide the best finish there is.”

You can find this article and more in the 2022 edition of our printed newsletter.