We pride ourselves on the fact that our Bayliss custom yacht interiors are some of the most striking in the industry. It is important that the quality of the materials and the functionality and execution of the design ultimately shine through.

Although the appearance of a custom Bayliss yacht interior looks clean and simple, the smallest details set it apart, from pullman bunks to actuated parts, to veneer placement on the drawer faces. Bayliss Interior Carpentry Supervisor, Bill Crum signs off on everything before it makes the cut.
“Some of the details we’re known for are our margins, grain matching, and veneer matching- inside and outside of every cabinet,” says Crum. “I think this attention to detail definitely contributes to the timeless appearance our boats are known for.”
Approximately 8,000 to 16,000 interior carpentry man-hours go into each build, depending on the design. When asked about the installations he’s most proud of, Crum lists off a few. “On Singularis [now Reel Wheels II], we resawed the 26-foot companionway board out of a teak boule. For Blue View, the way we blended the spiral staircase to the crew staterooms into the hanging locker beside it. And on Blank Check, the book-matched galley floors.”

On every interior, our Interior Carpentry crew utilizes a technique called book-matching. This is the practice of matching two wood surfaces, so that the adjoining grain surfaces mirror each other, giving the impression of an opened book. From starboard to port, the window frames, valances, and even horizontal veneers are book-matched.
“If someone is detail oriented, we’re their guy,” says Bayliss. “If we cut corners, it would stick out like a sore thumb to us.” Each Bayliss door, cabinet and drawer is a trove of the details we’re known for: our custom Bayliss dovetail joint design, grain matching and solid wood edge banding.

Even the hardware on drawers must pass the test. “You can feel the quality under your fingertips,” says Bayliss. “It’s crisp and smooth.” Vertical integration throughout our company helps us build better interiors. For instance, the Bayliss Boatworks Metalworks department collaborates with our Interior Carpentry crew to build our own proprietary custom television-lifts, pullman bunks, and hidden door hardware in order to provide our boats with components that are functional and stand up to the punishment offshore waters can deliver.

Selecting wood samples seems easy enough but we do things a little differently. We begin each custom yacht interior with a conversation about the owner’s desired wood choice, quality, and color, then make a rough calculation of the log size we’ll need to complete their vision.
We use one log for the entire boat on each build in order to ensure grain consistency. No two trees are the same; there are variations in every species that yield remarkable differences that we can tailor to an owner’s requirements. Finding quality logs that are big enough to compensate for this technique can be an extensive search. Once the logs are secured, we generate samples for the owner using both clear finish and stains for their approval.

The veneers are one important component of Bayliss custom yacht interiors, but the dimensional solid stock lumber is equally as important. We always use solid boards for all cabinet tops and bunk rails, and these pieces must match the feel of the interior quality. To reduce the weight and increase the structural stability of our cabinetry, we also use Tricel panels in the fabrication of our interior components, where possible.
Bayliss yachts are known for their excellent resale value. This wouldn’t be the case without Bayliss custom yacht interiors that stand the test of time, both in durability and aesthetics.
“When you choose teak for your interior wood choice, you never have to apologize for it. It’s an accepted standard,” says Bayliss. “However, recently there has been a lot of interest in walnut as an interior wood choice.”
Walnut is also very high quality and offers a lot of possibilities similar to teak. Both teak and walnut, when coupled with high quality workmanship and a flawless finish, are excellent choices.
Whatever the wood choice, to protect this living art, interior surfaces receive exterior quality finish with UV prohibitors. “We’ve chosen to utilize an exterior quality interior finish that requires 15-18 coats,” says Bayliss. “Obviously, there are less labor-intensive options out there, but this finish truly stands the test of time.”

“We’re in a constant state of evolution,” says Bayliss. “We are always refining previous tried and true techniques, making them better.”
The CNC (i.e., Computer Numerical Control) machine has been a real game-changer. It has sped up our fabrication process by changing the way we’re capable of making cuts. The Digital Fabrication & Design Department cuts all doors, frames, small parts, and nesting items using the CNC machine.
In addition to the CNC machine, we have converted a sawmill into a resaw in order to provide more latitude when it comes to book-matching, and specialty pieces. We now do a tremendous amount of resaw work in-house.

Each of our twelve Interior Carpentry crew members has his own strengths. During brainstorming sessions on the interior layout of a new build, ideas come from every person on the team.
The crew, led by Crum, is trusted to come up with a design concept, then collaborate with the owners and our Digital Fabrication & Design department to make it truly special.
“The creativity of those guys,” Bayliss says, shaking his head in wonder. “Their excitement in achieving the highest quality is infectious and really drives all of us.”